Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Love Song for A Child

Stanza 1
Every night, I see you in my dreams
Every day, close in my heart, you stay
I take a step; you turn your face away
You never say a word, never wrong
You never reach out, oh always strong
But tears rise and fall like rushing streams

You can make it through the years
You can dream to be the best you can
When your heart and soul, they dare to hope
Let love and peace wipe away your fears

Stanza 2
Years come by, stand up and fade
I see a deep light shine in your dark eyes
You stretch out your hands, strengthen your ties
You open your mind, always right
You stand up to speak, never fight
I see you live as lyrics to sweet sounds played

You can make it through the years
You can dream to be the best you can
When your heart and soul dare to hope
Let love and peace wipe away your fears

Oh, you’re not alone (never alone)
Hey, I sing you a song (a love song)
Be the best you can
Sweet child, be the best you can

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